Saturday, October 18, 2008

Disunity or Unity

When Chen Lee Whee was arrested it makes us wonder is Malaysia united or disunited. This poor girl was fighting for the hardcore Malays to protect their shelter. I think she is one of the bravest women in Malaysia for pushing through the racial difference to fight for something she believes in. So what is the fuss for disunity about?

When Hindraf was declared an illegal organization, (because they are regarded as a cult by certain intelligent minister or intelligently challenged I presume) we were accompanied by loud outburst from every racial quarter within the government and otherwise. Even PAS leaders a dominant Islam party appeared to defend them.

When Teresse Kok was arrested for god knows what, we heard the same tune from everywhere regardless of race and religion. Even the mosque came out to defend that she never step foot nor got involved in their matters.

In Penang the former CM was defeated in the election by an Indian professor against odds considering Penang is an area that reflects the Chinese sentiment mostly. Ironically the same Indians which are regarded as extremist and can cause racial hatred by certain smart ministers, voted for PAS instead of MIC.

In the parliament it is Lim Kit Siang who is fighting for an Indian’s cause more than any Indian ministers now or previously.

Kelantan in dominated and ruled by an Islam party yet if you ask an Indian or a Chinese who lives there to consider shifting to KL he could give you more reasons why you should shift to Kelantan instead.

When RPK was arrested, we witnessed Malays, Chinese and Indian coming together like never before to fight a single cause to pay support to him. They who were directly or indirectly involved ranges from the ones who bravely stood out to talk to their friends about him to those who courageously followed him to court and back are heroes who defied racial differences and focus our similarity to unite for a common cause that we all believed and supported.

Our fore father would have been proud of all of us today. Although we run a normal life we have been instilled with compassion and tolerance for other race and religion by our experience. We might not realize it because it is instilled so deep into us that we fail to notice yet we practice it consciously and unconsciously.

So where the heck is disunity?

It seems disunity is induced by those whom we ourselves give power so there is an illusion that they are fighting for our rights peculiarly. If you doubt the statement check whenever a racial remark is spoken previously, the responsible party is whom we put there in the first place. Unfortunately this is not 1969 and it is an insult to our intelligence to even consider the idea.

Regardless of any political climate we as a Malaysia are proud that we can tell our friends in other countries that “We are united to oppose the disunited”

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The story of a famous Horse Jockey

This is George Edward Arcaro. He is one of the world famous horse jockeys that ever lived. He passed away in 1997. Recently there was new evidence that surfaced pointing to the cause of his death. Friends and family members explained that he was watching a video clip when he suffered a heart attack. The clip was not ascertainable until

The following clip can be harmful to people with weak heart condition, can cause distress, sleeping disorder and emotional disturbance. If you suffer from weak heart condition it is recommended that you do not play the clip below.

If you ask me what you think about Khan getting a Datukship. With all respect to Khan, I think it's as ridicules as this clip. But this clips exists because there are people who idolizes the impossible as there are people who losses their conscience when they are given power to decide. I hope this clip salves the person in charge as it is equally farce.

Monday, October 6, 2008

I Invited You - NOT (Hindraf)

Ajak-ajak Ayam
Ajak-ajak ayam means an invite to a function but with no real intentions of wanting the invited to attend. Although it is not common in Malaysian culture it seems to have been popularized by top politicians recently.

Gate crashers
Traditionally it means to attend uninvited events by force. Latest trend suggests ajak-ajak ayam invitees also falls into this category but is only adjudged by close peers of the host after the party followed by endorsement from the host at a later stage.

Delusional gate crashers
The meaning relates to gate crashers who seem ignorant or oblivious to ajak-ajak ayam. These groups are either unaware or manipulated into believing that the host of an ajak-ajak ayam invite would welcome them with open arms. The result is futile complains against parties who report the embarrassing incident in bias and exaggerated manner.

Dissonance opportunist
An opportunist who is constantly seeking elements that merely suggests disunity and exemplifies the incident to create a hostile situation. Example below may give a better understanding:

'kalau penyokong H***** melakukan penghinaan seumpama itu di kawasan-kawasan pendalaman yang menjadi kampung halaman orang M*****, mereka sudah pun diajar tentang makna dan akibat berperangai kurang ajar’

These opportunists although highly dangerous to national security, are for some unexplained reasons seem to be above the law. Fortunately the opportunist statement barely reflects the sentiment of both parties on either side and obviously suggests an unsuccessful personal agenda which rarely manages to manipulate anyone except the shallow minded opportunist himself.

Friday, October 3, 2008

A letter to Sammy-Dummy

excerpts from sammy-bammy's blogs
“I hate Indians. It’s bad enough they are famous for being drunk and rude (most of them anyway). Now they carry the reputation of being stealer, robbers, rapist, idiots, morons, drunkard bastards and list goes on...”.

After reading your ridicules outburst on certain race I was but at first eager to chide you back but there was something that stopped me almost instantly from doing what you did. It took me sometime to contemplate but I eventually figured out what stop me, it was being educated. What is the meaning of being educated? Is it the ability to be rhetorical or the fortunate privileges of higher education? Education is useless unless we can fully utilize it in a right way. Being educated means being able to make judgment not based on emotions but rather with logic and humility. How you behave shows how educated you are? How you behave when you are under emotional pressure concludes if you are really educated. Fighting, raping stealing etc is physical outburst of people you can’t handle emotions and feelings. It is not action based on logic and consensus. What about verbal outburst? That I will leave the readers or maybe Sammy herself to decide. As far as I know an educated person will not resort to physical outburst like raping or stealing just like an educated person will not resort to outrages verbal outburst. The uneducated is a failing of the educated to educate the uneducated. For that I take the blame for you and the 2 indian guys. I am sorry.

There are certain races infamous for particular negative activities but blaming only a particular race for a certain negative activity is absurd. Let’s say there are Mahmood, Chan and Indran. Just say Chan is well known kingpin of organized crime such as drugs, sex and smuggling and Indran is a drug addicts. Indran can be the creation of Chan’s wrongdoing. If Indran steals to pay Chan for his drugs, do we blame Indra or Chan or “Chan and his friends” or “Indran and his friends”? Why don’t we blame Mahmood (police officer) and his friends who took bribes from Chan? We can blame Mahmood, Indran and Chan but not and never their friends.

It is bad enough being robbed but it is worse robbing oneself of dignity, pride and perspective of others. Words are deadlier than punches. Apologies that are the cause of circumstances will never be appreciated. It is amusing that a week of cogitation is more than enough for a person who has the basic education to start a blog to reflect on mistakes such as this and concede. Obviously it is the police report that seems to induce an apology rather than time or contemplation.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Headlines from Malaysiakini

Back again. The viewer who’s visiting my blog is slowly climbing. At this point of time it’s at 27. 17 is by myself and the other 8 is by my friends who I forced and balance 2 which I can’t really figure out, maybe were trying to surf ronaldregan and miss-clicked. Back to business….

1. Taib family's CMS to benefit from dam –All the funding and construction workers from Bakun project would be rushed immediately to the new dam side. Bakun project would be cleared to accommodate the sudden influx of native(whose communities are asked to make way for the new dam) to Bakun, although they would need to walk a few hundred kilometers, running is recommended. A new design of rumah panjang in Bakun is to be layout named ‘The dammed rumah panjang’ Natives are offered subprime loan for the rumah panjang’s. It is suggested the new dam should be crafted with faces of well know people (like Mount Rushmore) for exp: All Sarawak CM’s for the past 25 years. Oppss is there’s only one.

2 Second habeas corpus filed by RPK’s lawyers - Honestly I have no idea what does habeas corpus means… it sounds like a dead body with flowers on it. Anyway we all know the court is going to reject whatever filing is being done as long as the ISA is not abolished.

3. Najib ensures economy solid after shares dive – Although the Malaysian stock are on a free fall for the past 9 months certain leaders ensures we got nothing to worry with statements like“The fundamentals of the Malaysian economy are strong. The economy has the capacity to weather the destabilising consequences ... in the US economy and international financial markets”. The statement although seem to contradict with the recent blunt accusation by clearly distress world leaders who are accusing US for egging on uncontrolled financial speculation. World leader of countries whose states are bigger that Malaysia itself are panicking but Malaysian leaders remain confident of our economy.

picture courtesy from tony pua's blog

3.1 It is said Malaysia have been trading secretly with aliens from Mars and Venus so our economy do not depends entirely on partners like US despite the latter being Malaysia top exports officially.

3.2 Other understanding is that the phrase “Malaysian economy”, is actually referring to the government linked cronies and top politically linked businesses rather that the common understanding of the overall country’s financial situation.

Nescafe Entrepreneur Season 5