Saturday, October 18, 2008

Disunity or Unity

When Chen Lee Whee was arrested it makes us wonder is Malaysia united or disunited. This poor girl was fighting for the hardcore Malays to protect their shelter. I think she is one of the bravest women in Malaysia for pushing through the racial difference to fight for something she believes in. So what is the fuss for disunity about?

When Hindraf was declared an illegal organization, (because they are regarded as a cult by certain intelligent minister or intelligently challenged I presume) we were accompanied by loud outburst from every racial quarter within the government and otherwise. Even PAS leaders a dominant Islam party appeared to defend them.

When Teresse Kok was arrested for god knows what, we heard the same tune from everywhere regardless of race and religion. Even the mosque came out to defend that she never step foot nor got involved in their matters.

In Penang the former CM was defeated in the election by an Indian professor against odds considering Penang is an area that reflects the Chinese sentiment mostly. Ironically the same Indians which are regarded as extremist and can cause racial hatred by certain smart ministers, voted for PAS instead of MIC.

In the parliament it is Lim Kit Siang who is fighting for an Indian’s cause more than any Indian ministers now or previously.

Kelantan in dominated and ruled by an Islam party yet if you ask an Indian or a Chinese who lives there to consider shifting to KL he could give you more reasons why you should shift to Kelantan instead.

When RPK was arrested, we witnessed Malays, Chinese and Indian coming together like never before to fight a single cause to pay support to him. They who were directly or indirectly involved ranges from the ones who bravely stood out to talk to their friends about him to those who courageously followed him to court and back are heroes who defied racial differences and focus our similarity to unite for a common cause that we all believed and supported.

Our fore father would have been proud of all of us today. Although we run a normal life we have been instilled with compassion and tolerance for other race and religion by our experience. We might not realize it because it is instilled so deep into us that we fail to notice yet we practice it consciously and unconsciously.

So where the heck is disunity?

It seems disunity is induced by those whom we ourselves give power so there is an illusion that they are fighting for our rights peculiarly. If you doubt the statement check whenever a racial remark is spoken previously, the responsible party is whom we put there in the first place. Unfortunately this is not 1969 and it is an insult to our intelligence to even consider the idea.

Regardless of any political climate we as a Malaysia are proud that we can tell our friends in other countries that “We are united to oppose the disunited”

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