Sunday, November 30, 2008

Hello World, race and religion destruction

Past few days has been a highlight of brazen and brutal terrorist attacks on innocent individual by radical minded groups. Although the trails they leave behind are animal like cruelty the execution of their sickening beliefs shows the finest of human brains. With guns and nuts they can batter the human spirit to half its strength, what can they do with weapon of mass destruction at hand. At a point where the world being so easily influenced by circumstances, what will we do to stop the cycle? Apparently the anti-terrorist packs by the supreme powers of the world whose relationship between lengths decade long since world wars does not seem to reduce but rather increase the violence to mere brutality that can scare animals.

Revenge is like a ticking clock. It never stops. It ticks and tocks. Scaring and suppressing terrorist has always been a bad idea. Unfortunately egoistic nature of human beings reduces the chances of admitting it to zero. You give it a tick and it gives u a tock, where will it end if it does. People have different views of how the world should be. And they don’t like to be stopped from spreading the influence. And in order to spread their beliefs, people need people and more people. Is the paramount ego of the world stopping terrorist or incidentally fueling terrorist by helping them influence people?

Although we are all human the valley of race and religion difference is so deep that the hatred and anger causes catastrophic damages that widens mankind. Dictatorship to solve the problem deepens the valley further. It is hard to find fairness in a world where your currency has a lesser value because you are being born in a different part of the world. You can work harder and be smarter but still live a lesser life because you are born on the other side of the dictatorship. But who told us the world is fair?

Malaysia has a considerably wide race and religion spectrum but yet we are an opposite of a terrorist country. In fact we put other countries to shame as countries with ideal race and religion congruence has more terrorist.

We are doing something right. Only ego stops them from learning.

In condolences of Hema Kassipillay....

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