Saturday, December 27, 2008

Shivers down your spine - Malaysiakini

When Gobalakrishnan landed on Kuching he had no idea what awaited him next. A letter forbidding him to enter a state in his own country for no good reason. To his surprise and also half of Malaysia he thought this is ridicules. The ironic part, the motive to suppress gave him more publicity than he had before and it shone much light on why and where the directives came from. Sometimes you wonder why a person with abundance of overstayed experience can ultimately make decision that defies the main purpose of the decision. Now immigration and state official are scrabbling for reasons.


As we gain closer to the anticipated change in the coveted seat, I can’t help but realize that the mainstream media has shortened its tentacles to reach selective news. It was apparent at the point after the political tsunami reports of political news in Malaysiakini and other mainstream media was nearly similar. I personally was afraid that Malaysiakini might loose its sting. Boy, how wrong was I!!! For instances the coverage for Hindraf drew front-page for many weeks previously but Jerit ‘the ride for change’ doesn’t seem like worthy news for editors in the mainstream media currently. What about the interdicted MP. Barring an MP from a state in Malaysia is not news!!!

An analogy of the situation is a tea lady who can’t make tea. What is worth of your job if you can’t do what you are particularly supposed to do? How do we stop corruption when even the media is scared to shine light on it? China on the other hand, we know are serious about corruption. They hang you for corruption. That you see, send shivers down your spine.
When we send a profound message as deadly as that…. is when we are serious.

Jason Lee/Reuters, 2004
Chen Liangyu, a former Communist Party secretary

in Shanghai, could be executed if he is found guilty
of corruption.

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