Saturday, January 17, 2009

"Yes, we can”, seems to be vogue but “Malaysia Boleh” came first

I am not sure about many, but KT election baffled me. Although March election changed Malaysia political landscape but the KT election astounds me. It is fairly arguable to conclude March election was a result of BN being ignorant. This time around, BN had all the forewarning they needed, they came knowing the real situation. Along came pre- election goodies that cost taxpayers a bomb. They were everything but ignorant. Yet, BN lost.

Was the damage done before, permanent? Well this world is prove of nothing is permanent except change. Change sustains. People have to change, you can teach an old dog a new trick but can you trick an old dog with an old trick. When people change, you have to follow along and change to keep up. Changes are more rapid as ever in a time where the border of city and “kampung” is smeared.

A point blank question - Do you like to be threatened? ‘Not being able to get funding if the wrong candidate is chosen’ is not a wise approach to get votes especially when you are vulnerable. Instead action speaks louder than words; action is what you get when you go home empty but with your words plus an unsettling feeling. We wonder how many mistakes will it take till the ruling and sliding coalition learns to evolve or will they be overwhelmed by the rapid change of time. Politics is about people not money, the less kinship politician has with corporate figures of conglomerates and the top 40 in the rich list the more accepted you get. People get the basic, delusional politician get it complicated.

People from all walks of life know how the election becomes insignificant once you have lost but hugely significant "if" you had won. We empathetic with such foolish remark because the ability to stay disconnected with the maturity of people is sad. Typically “Malaysia Boleh” was mere words by politician, as intended, people put it into action. Yet again action this time has spoken louder than words. After all “Malaysia Boleh” did come first.

victorious PAS candidate, Mohammad Abdul Wahid Endut
*courtesy of Malaysiakini

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